US +1 617 830 4746 / SPAIN +34 660 396 838

Dear traveler,


We regret to inform you that unfortunately, your payment has been rejected. Please note that often, for security reasons, some banks reject this kind of transaction when one of their clients try to pay something to a Spanish company. Hence, kindly make sure to inform your bank or your credit card company about this payment, so they do not block the operation. Also, remember that we only accept payments with Visa and MasterCard cards (credit or debit).

Once you have made sure that your bank is informed and allowed you to go on with this payment, double check that you are only using a Visa or a MasterCard, then try again to complete the transaction. If the payment is made correctly, you will see the next message appear on your screen: “Transaction successfully completed!”; and will then receive a confirmation email.

Please let us know if you encounter any issue, and if we could help you in anyway.

Wish You Travels Team